Welcome to the 11th HEAVE HO Free Flight Glider International Postal Competition.

Held over the month of April, 2022 sponsored by stingmk2gliders.com

For the first time indoor catapult and hand launch for both adults and Juniors (age up to 15 years old )  flown in category 1 ( ceiling height up to 8 meter or 26′  measured under the ceiling beam structure excluding lights and fans,  basketball halls are common category 1 sites ). I have asked Josh Finn from  J&H AEROSPACE to sponsor prizes for indoor, Josh sells lots of indoor glider kits so check out his range.

Outdoor events, Juniors and adults

1/ Hand Launch ( javelin ) HLG, ( Adult HLG winner is awarded the HH trophy with name engraves on back).

2/  Catapult CLG ( 1/16″ x 1/4″ x 9″ rubber loop maximum allowed ).

3/ Tip Launch Glider TLG 

Indoor 2 events for Juniors and adults

1/   6″ (152mm) wing span catapult, any design ( sting mk2  6″ glider kit ideal  ).  

2/   Hand launch, any size or material and can be wing tip or Javelin launched.

RULES : Competition runs from 1st April till 30th April 2022 

For indoor and outdoor there are 9 official flights, please record all official flights with best 5 counted for outdoor, ( multiple series of 9 flights are allowed but can not mix or combine scores. ) Times to be recorded by a time keeper. For Outdoor fly to one minute maximum for each flight, if you achieve 5 x one minute max’s  out of 9 then keep flying one minute max’s till it is missed but include that last flight time. Flights are rounded down to seconds, Indoor flights are recorded down to 1/10th second. ( example, flight of 23.76 seconds is recorded as 23.7 seconds ). Time starts at moment of launch and stops when glider comes to rest on floor. Best 3 scores will count or 4th if needed due to a equal first place.

Lots of great STING MK2 glider kits for prizes and lucky entry prize too Fly safely and responsibly but most of all ” have FUN ” ENTRY is FREE 

Send results and your country to,


Also photos of you and gliders for web site and international Free Flight publications. Please check out web site for updated information at stingmk2gliders.com.