In the beginning, Kevin Brown a school teacher and Hand Launch Glider enthusiast from the UK, conceived a world-wide HLG newsletter named Heave Ho in the mid 1990’s. This proved to be very popular and not long after, Kevin started the first Heave Ho world postal glider contest. Kevin’s aim was to promote the participation of a low key, hand launch glider fun contest. So the format of rules allowed for multiple entries held over a one month period and adopting 9 official flights with best 5 scores to count similar to other countries.  These rules allow a beginner to drop some poor launches.  Since taking over running the HH contest, I have kept this format, but allowing the top guns to keep increasing their scores if they make 5 one minute maximum flights. I also introduced Tip Launch Glider category in 2005. ( Already planning for next year 2022 HH with some innovative events and a different month of the year, as Australia and New Zealanders were flying in some extreme cold conditions in July. Also, rules will be made simpler and clearer regarding the number of flights that count, but will remain 9 official flights with 5 best scores count. ) Kevin Brown after several years editing and publishing HH returned to his other passion recording blues music and live concerts around the world. 

NOW the RESULTS  –  Catapult Launch Glider CLG in order of placements and country.

1/ Paul Squires NZ – 60,60,60,60,60 + 62 = 362 

2/ Kevin Barnes NZ – 58,60,60,56,60 = 294

3/ Joshua Finn USA – 57,56,58,58,58 = 287 

4/ Ron Pilcher NZ – 57,52,57,49,48 = 263 

5/ David Akery NZ – 51,54,50,50,48 = 253 

6/ Karen Barnes NZ – 46,46,32,60,57 = 241

7/ Alec Fuller NZ – 50,36,60,39,39 = 224 

8/ Graig King NZ – 35,46,45,41,40 = 207 

9/ Geoff Hungerford  AUS – 50,20,25,25,57 = 177 

10/ Paul Allen AUS – 18,29,30,33,60 = 170 

11/ Hope Finn USA – 29,31,34,28,35 =157 

12/ Linsday Muffett AUS – 22,31,19,30,16 = 118 

13/ Caleb Finn USA ( jnr ) – 15,17,14,14,14 = 74 

14/ Rod Brown NZ  did not post individual scores.

CONGRATULATIONS Paul Squires, You have won a STING MK2 18″ CLG/HLG kit. Paul also had the best total of 9 flights  510 seconds. The NZ flyers dominated this category and I received some constructive comments which will make 2022 HH even better and more enjoyable.

HAND LAUNCH GLIDER –  1/ Michael Towell AUS – 55,48,41,54,45 = 243 

2/ Joshua Finn USA – 38,39,38,36,35 = 186 

3/ Geoff Hungerford AUS – 4,11,3,3,3 = 24

CONGRATULATIONS Michael Towell You have won a STING MK2  18″ CLG/HLG kit. Michael sent me a photo of his early morning flights with glider landing on frost at a local park.

TIP LAUNCH GLIDER – 1/ Don DeLoach USA – 60,60,43,60,60 = 283 

2/ Rod Brown NZ – did not post individual scores 

CONGRATULATIONS Don DeLoach you have won a STING MK2 18″  CLG/hlg kit.

A big thank you to all flyers that made the time and effort to make the 2021 HH a success.

Len Surtees  stingmk2gliders.com